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What Is The Control Alt Delete Function On A Mac

© YouTube/Screenshot/Business Insider If your Mac isn't working right, try force quitting programs. YouTube/Screenshot/Business Insider

Jan 11, 2021 The alternative Control – Alt – Delete command is commonly used to force quit apps on Mac. You have to press the Command Option Escape shortcut on your Mac keyboard and then you will get the window with the full list of all apps running on your Mac. You press 'fn' which is bottom left this is the function key. Then 'ctrl' next door to the 'fn' key. The 'alt' which is agian next door. Then finally 'backspace or erase' the key with the large arrow pointing left. You are right, when the keyboard has a DEL button, CTRL-ALT-DEL works on a MAC. However, on notebooks and some smaller MAC keyboards (like the wireless keyboard), there is no DEL key. For example, I have a macbook air without the DEL key. Apple says you should press FN-BACKSPACE is. The Simple Steps to Show Ctrl Alt Del or Force Quit on Mac. When using a mac, it is of course for you to know about how you type ctrl alt delete on a mac. Therefore, concerning that, you are suggested to follow these steps to perform Ctrl Alt Del on Mac well. Press Command + Option + Esc. Excel for apple download.

  • If you want force an app or program to quit on your Mac, you can use a similar keyboard shortcut to PC's Control+Alt+Delete.
  • Force quitting a program will sacrifice any unsaved changes, so do it with care.
  • In addition to the keyboard shortcut, there are two other ways to force quit a troublesome program.
  • Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Sometimes in life, you just have to cut your losses and call it quits. This is certainly the case when your Mac is giving you trouble with a program that's either frozen, or running so slowly that you just can't take it anymore. Rather than sitting there glaring at that rainbow-colored 'spinning wheel of death,' instead just use a force quit override to shut down the program. Then you can restart it and, ideally, get some actual work done.

Just remember that when you force quit a program on Mac, you may lose unsaved work. Sometimes an autosave function will come to the rescue, and you can opt to have websites reopen if you have to quit your browser, but force quitting often means losing some work, so use it only as a last resort.

While PC users have the Control+Alt+Delete shortcut, famously known as the 'three-finger salute,' Mac users have an equally effective way to take the control back from the computer. Here are the three ways to force quit on a Mac.

How to force quit on a Mac using a keyboard shortcut

© Apple/Business Insider Pressing Command + Option + Escape on a Mac is equivalent to pressing Control + Alt + Delete on a PC. Apple/Business Insider

1. Press the 'Command,' 'Option,' and 'Escape' keys. Note that the Option key is also sometimes referred to as 'Alt,' and that the Escape key just reads 'Esc.'

2. The Force Quit window will pop up.

3. Select the application you'd like to close and select 'Force Quit.'

© Business Insider Select the program you want to close. Business Insider

How to force quit on a Mac through the Apple menu

1. Click on the Apple logo at the top left corner of the screen.

2. In the dropdown menu that appears, hit 'Force Quit.'

© Steven John/Business Insider Select 'Force quit.' Steven John/Business Insider

3. The same force quit pop-up menu will appear. Select the offending program and hit 'Force quit.'

How to force quit on a Mac through the Dock

How To Do Control Alt Delete Mac

1. Locate the program you want to quit in your Mac Dock.

2. While holding down the 'Option' key, right-click on the program and select 'Force quit.'

Related coverage from Tech Reference:

Summary :

When you need to force quit a frozen application on your Windows computer, you can press Control+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager, and then select the target application to quit. Are there Control Alt Delete for Mac? MiniTool Solution will introduce how to force quit an application on Mac using Control Alt Delete Mac.

What Is Control Alt Delete for Mac?

On Windows 10, you can use Control+Alt+Delete (also known as Ctrl+Alt+Del) to interrupt a function on your computer and then do some things like switching to a different account, logging off, using Task Manager, shutting down the device, or rebooting your computer. This feature is especially useful when you want to force close a frozen application on the machine.

However, when you switch to a Mac computer from Windows, you will discover that there is no Control Alt Delete Mac available. Then, what is Control Alt Delete for Mac? How to force quit an application on Mac? How to Ctrl Alt Delete on Mac?

The combination keys that are equivalent to Control+Alt+Delete on a Mac computer are Command+Option+Esc. You can see their positions from the following image. However, this combination is not as powerful as Ctrl+Alt+Del on Mac. You can use them to call out the Force Quit Applications interface and then force close the frozen application on your Mac.

After pressing Command+Option+Esc on your Mac keyboard, you will see the Force Quit Applications interface, and your Mac will not be responsible for other keyboard or mouse actions. Microsoft online for mac.

How to Force Quit a Frozen Application on Your Mac?

Method 1: Via Command+Option+Esc

Photoshop cc mac. If an application hangs on your Mac screen and you could close it or even move it, you can force close it using Command+Option+Esc.

Here is a simple guide:

  1. Press Command+Option+Esc on the keyboard to open the Force Quit Applications
  2. Select the application you want to quit and then press Force Quit.

This is the first way to force quit an application on your Mac. You can also use other methods to force close an application that has no response.

Method 2: Via Apple Menu

You can also use the Apple menu to access the Force Quit Applications interface:

  1. Click the Apple logo that is on the top left side on the screen.
  2. Click Force Quit from the drop-down list.
  3. You will see the Force Quit Applications interface. Next, you see select the target application and press Force Quit to quit it.

Method 3: Reboot Your Mac

If you can’t use the above two methods to call out the Force Quit Applications interface and force quit the applications you want to close, you will need to shut down your Mac and reboot it. This can close that frozen application.

For some reason, you need to restart your computer. But, do you know how to reboot Windows 10 in a proper way to avoid unnecessary issues? There are 3 ways.

How to See the Performances of Applications on Mac

What Is The Control Alt Delete Function On A Mac Shortcut

Command+Option+Esc on Mac is not the same as Control+Alt+Delete on Windows. You can only see which applications are running and force close the selected application from the Force Quit Applications interface after pressing Command+Option+Esc.

You can’t see how much CPU or memory different applications are currently using on your Mac. You also can’t see the system’s overall resource usage and other statistics like a Windows Task Manager does.

If you want to see these performances, you need to use another service on your Mac. It is Activity Monitor.

  1. Press Command+Space to open Spotlight search.
  2. Type Activity Monitor and press Enter to open Activity Monitor.

Alternatively, you can also go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor to open it.

Where Is Alt On A Mac

Now, you can see all processes that are currently running on your Mac, how much CPU each application is using and some other statistics. Play tomb raider slots for free.

In Activity Monitor, you can also see some unknown processes like Windowserver and kernel-task. These two articles introduce these two processes:

What Is The Control Alt Delete Function On A Mac
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